The role of coping strategies in the relationship between attachment style and psychological well-being in mothers of children with autism
mothers, children with autism, attachment styles, well-being, secure attachment, coping strategiesAbstract
This study aims to evaluate the relationship between attachment style and psychological well-being in mothers of children with autism, as well as the mediating role of maternal coping in this relationship. The pragmatic aim of the research was to provide theoretical and practical information regarding the attachment style, coping, and well-being of families who have children with autism especially mothers, as they are most often involved in the care and upbringing of these children. The present study is a correlational, cross-sectional study conducted on a sample of 113 mothers of autistic children aged between 22 and 51 years, M = 39.78, SD = 4.89. The children’s ages ranged between three and 14 years, M = 10.61, SD = 2.65. A number of 66 children were boys (58%) and 47 were girls (42%). The instruments used were the Psychological Well-being Scale (PWBS), Adult Attachment Scale (AAS), Brief COPE. The multiple linear regression showed that only the secure attachment of mothers is a significant predictor of well-being. Mediation analyses showed that neither adaptive nor maladaptive coping mediates the relationship between attachment style and well-being. In conclusion, we discussed the limitations and future research direction and also the importance of preserving higher well-being in mothers of children with autism.
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