Improving language disorders in children with Down syndrome by applying a multimodal intervention program structured in accordance with the Theory of Multiple Intelligences


  • Elisabeta Elena Anghel "Ion Creangă" State Pedagogical University, Chișinău, PhD(c)
  • Viorel Agheana University of Bucharest, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Senior Lecturer, PhD.



Down syndrome, Theory of Multiple Intelligences, language development, communication, dyslalia, intervention program, language disorders


Down syndrome can cause disorders of both cognitive abilities, but also, most often, cause a deficit in language development, and their speech and language develop later and more slowly, hence the importance of finding optimal ways to improve. The purpose of the research is the development, implementation, and validation of the effectiveness of the speech therapy intervention program structured in accordance with the Theory of Multiple Intelligences (Howard Gardner). Participants with Down syndrome in this study obtained significant improvements in the areas of language and communication assessed after receiving the systematized speech therapy intervention, based on the theory of multiple intelligences.

Author Biography

Viorel Agheana, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Senior Lecturer, PhD.

Viorel Agheană has a PhD in Educational Sciences and is a member of the Department of Special Psychopedagogy, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest, since 2013. Areas of academic expertise include language disorder therapy, research methodology, children's rights and inclusive education. He has over 15 years of experience in special education as a teacher and speech therapist in many institutions, and has participated in numerous national and international projects as a member or coordinator. Viorel Agheana is also a researcher with vast experience in language disorders, special education and the recovery of children with intellectual disabilities, UNICEF expert and the coordinator of the Master’s Programme “Psychopedagogy of the Inclusive School - PpSI” of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. Author and co-author of studies, chapters in collective volumes, articles in specialized journals, papers at national and international conferences, generally addressing topics related to special education and topics that approach different methods of education and therapy from a theoretical and practical applied perspective.


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How to Cite

Anghel, E. E., & Agheana, V. (2022). Improving language disorders in children with Down syndrome by applying a multimodal intervention program structured in accordance with the Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Review of Psychopedagogy, 11(1), 31–42.

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